The goal of this project was to design and develop a game as part of a group. To do this we had to manage the team, assigning parts of the project to different group members and plan features that needed to be developed for the project to be successful. We decided to create a horror game with puzzles formed from enemy NPCs. My personal roles included developing the enemy AI, designing the puzzles and project management.
This project helped me gain experience in a leadership role. My role in managing the project included working with my group members on the project vision and objectives and then defining and delegating the tasks for each milestone. I communicated with my group members to ensure everyone was confident with their responsibilities. Taking on this organisational role has given me more confidence in my ability to lead collaborative projects and help group members where required.
For my part of the project, I developed the AI behavior of the enemy NPCs. This gave me an opportunity to revisit Unreal Engine’s AI features and to work with C++ in Unreal Engine. I researched what C++ can be used for instead of Blueprints and am now able to decide when to use each. Using C++ on this project helped me become more familiar with the Unreal Engine codebase and style guidelines.